Understanding Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage for Sewer and Drain Backups
Homeowner’s insurance coverage can be very specific about what it covers. It also won’t cover everything, so if you’re looking to buy coverage from insurance companies like Thompson Insurance Services, serving Highland Village, TX, you need to see what other riders and amendments are necessary. For example, coverage for damage caused by sewer and drain backups is one type that people often have to add as a separate item to their policy.
Don’t Overlook This Type of Coverage
You’ve no doubt heard that homeowner’s insurance won’t cover flooding, and you may have heard that flood insurance covers things like sewer backups if the flood was the reason that the sewer backed up. But if there’s a clog in the line and no flooding around, your flood insurance won’t cover a thing — and your home insurance might not either, if you don’t have coverage specifically for drain and sewer backups.
Homeowner’s insurance policies usually have a basic policy to which you add riders. These riders (also called endorsements or amendments) are like additional, smaller policies that you attach to the main policy. In this case, your basic policy might not cover the damage from a backed-up drain. But if you have a sewer and drain amendment, then you could get reimbursed should those back up and overflow.
Sewer and drain backups are those events you don’t think about. Clogged drains don’t always lead to water overflowing back into your home, so the potential effects aren’t on your radar. But if a backup occurs, the damage can be costly. For this reason alone, you’ll want to add this rider to your home insurance.
If you want to ensure that your homeowner’s insurance covers sewer and drain backup, contact Thompson Insurance Services, serving Highland Village, TX. Don’t be surprised—get this coverage now.