4 Reasons to Upgrade Your Auto Insurance

Changes in your lifestyle, location or vehicle can alter your auto insurance coverage, making it necessary to upgrade your policy to maintain the protection you need. At Thompson Insurance Services in Highland Village, TX, we can help you determine if you need to upgrade your auto insurance to keep up with current changes in your life. Here are four reasons why an upgrade may be in order:

Change of Vehicle

If you traded an older car for a newer model, you may want to add collision or comprehensive coverage to your policy to protect your new investment. Older vehicles often don’t need this type of coverage. Upgrading your policy ensures your new vehicle is protected against theft, vandalism, collisions, and other incidents that can cause costly damage.   


Moving across town or to another city can affect driving distances or put your vehicle at greater risk of theft or vandalism. If so, you may want to increase the limits on your collision or comprehensive coverage to protect your vehicle against unforeseen incidents or accidents.

Teen Driver

Maybe you’re considering adding your teen to your auto policy. That would require an update to your policy. If your teen is driving the family vehicle, you may want to increase the limits of all your coverage.


If you were married last year and your spouse will be driving your vehicle, you’ll need to add him/her to your policy. If your spouse has a questionable driving record, you want to increase your coverage, particularly liability insurance, to protect your assets against accidents your spouse may cause. 

For quality auto insurance at reasonable rates, call or visit Thompson Insurance Services in Highland Village, TX.  

Three things to know about your auto insurance deductible

One of the most important things to understand when you purchase auto insurance and many other types of coverage are what a deductible is.

A deductible is an amount you have to pay out-of-pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. At Thompson Insurance Services in Highland Village, TX, we have a range of deductible options on our insurance policies from among which you can choose. 

The following are three crucial things to know about auto insurance deductibles to find and use your auto insurance policy:

The higher your deductible, the more expensive an accident is going to be for you out-of-pocket

High deductible plans offer the benefit of a lower monthly premium and are cheaper overall if you don’t get into any accidents. However, they can create a lot of expenses for you in the event of an accident. The more likely an accident is for you, the more critical it is for you to opt for a lower deductible policy.

You can save money on insuring an expensive vehicle with a higher deductible

Higher deductible policies are especially attractive to anyone who is driving a vehicle that is particularly expensive to insure. If your car falls into a high-risk category in the minds of insurance providers, consider bringing down costs while still covering your liabilities by choosing a high deductible policy. 

Liability insurance doesn’t generally require a deductible

While deductibles usually apply to collision and comprehensive insurance coverage, they shouldn’t apply to your liability coverage. Therefore, a deductible is generally not a consideration if you’re only purchasing liability coverage. 

Consult one of our representatives at Thompson Insurance Services in Highland Village, TX if you are a DFW driver who is on the market for a good auto insurance policy. 

What You Need to Know About Auto Insurance in Texas

The state of Texas is a great place to live as it provides you with a good lifestyle and plenty of professional opportunities. For those that work and live in Texas, having a car is a practical necessity. When you do have a car in Texas, you will need to have auto insurance in place at all times. There is a lot you need to know about auto insurance when you are looking for a policy in the Highland Village, TX area. 

State Requirements

The first thing that you need to know about auto insurance in Texas is the basic state requirements. The state of Texas has a 30/60/25 auto insurance requirement for all drivers. This dictates the amount of liability insurance that you need to have at all times. In Texas, you need to have bodily injury coverage of at least $30,000 per person and $60,000 per incident plus property damage liability of at least $25,000 per incident. 

Additional Options

While it may not be required by law, Texas car owners should also consider getting collision and comprehensive insurance coverage. This type of insurance will provide you with protection for your vehicle if you sustain a loss. This is not included by the base state requirements and could save you a lot of money in some challenging situations.

If you are a car owner in the Highland Village, TX area, it is important that you fully understand all of your requirements when it comes to having auto insurance. To ensure that you get into the right policy, you should speak to the team at Thompson Insurance Services. When you reach out to the team at Thompson Insurance Services, you will get the guidance that you need to get into a policy that provides you with adequate auto insurance coverage. 

How Much Comprehensive Coverage Do You Need?

Navigating the world of auto insurance can be difficult without the assistance of an auto insurance agent. There are many points to consider including how much comprehensive auto insurance coverage you need. Learn about comprehensive coverage and how much you need with the assistance of a reputable agency and their skilled agents. 

Comprehensive Covers Many Hazards

Comprehensive auto insurance is designed to cover a vehicle from many possible threats ranging from theft to damage as a result of the weather. If you are financing a vehicle, comprehensive is a requirement. Even if your vehicle is paid for, you should avoid potential losses by covering your automobile with the right amount of comprehensive. Select an amount that will cover the replacement cost of the vehicle to ensure you don’t suffer losses from gaps in coverage. If you have an expensive automobile, you may need to purchase special insurance to give you the complete coverage you need. 

Working With An Agent

An agent will outline your individual needs and then find insurance products and solutions that will cover you and provide you with peace of mind whether you are parked for the night or out on the road. If you live in the Highland Village, TX area, you can count on the agents at Thompson Insurance Services to give you the individualized attention you need to make smart policy choices and prevent losses. 

Give your automobile the protection it needs no matter where you are or when by selecting adequate comprehensive auto insurance. If you are located in the Highland Village, TX area, call or stop by Thompson Insurance Services and speak with an agent to learn more about your coverage options. 

Safety Reminders for Driving During Rainy Weather

It is essential to be very mindful of safety whenever you are driving, no matter where you are, but it is that much more important to be conscientious during hazardous weather conditions, including when it is rainy outside. Here are some tips to help you and your passengers stay safe even during rainy weather, courtesy of Thompson Insurance Services serving the Highland Village, TX and DFW area.

Allow more distance

It is never a good idea to follow the car in front of you too closely. And during rainy conditions, you need to allow extra space between you and other vehicles. For one thing, this is much safer when the car in front of you needs to brake.

Use headlights

Because it is darker outside and more difficult to see your surroundings when the weather is rainy, turn on your headlights, even during the daytime.

Keep windshield wipers ready

Your windshield wipers are your friends during rainy weather, so make sure they are in tip-top condition. Also, make sure you have plenty of windshield wiper fluid on hand to keep your windshield clean.

Slow down

You should reduce your driving speed when the weather is rainy, and you will find that other drivers should be doing the same. If you experience extremely heavy rain that drastically limits visibility, you might want to safely exit the road and take a break from driving until the weather clears.

Be alert

Of course, you should be alert no matter what the weather is like. But you need to be paying even closer attention when the weather is bad. Eliminate distractions, and keep your eyes and mind focused on the road.

If you need more information about driving safety or auto insurance, please feel free to contact Thompson Insurance Services serving the Highland Village, TX and DFW area.

Is Your Car Ready for Winter?

Before winter hits in earnest, Texas drivers should start the process of winterizing their vehicles. Cold weather can cause undue wear and tear on a vehicle and make it less safe to drive. By winterizing your vehicle, you can safeguard both your car and family when visiting relatives for the holidays. Here are a few ways to get your car ready for the winter season. 

Maximize Visibility

Replace old wipers with new blades to improve visibility on the road. If you plan to travel a lot in Dallas, TX this winter, make sure you have a good set of wipers to keep your windshield clear of obstructions that can cause accidents on the road.  

Check Tires

Make sure your tires have sufficient traction for slippery roads. On long-distance trips outside of the Dallas, TX area, check tire pressure regularly to maximize mileage and protect yourself against flats or blowouts.       

Service Vehicle Regularly

During winter, it’s even more important to keep up with servicing your vehicle to avoid breakdowns in the cold. Check belts, hoses, spark plugs, and the battery to ensure everything is in good working order and make sure you have the right anti-freeze mixture to keep your car running smoothly when temperatures fall.   

Change Oil

Change your oil, adjusting the viscosity to the cold. You’ll need thinner oil to lubricate your engine in cold weather so your car will give you optimum performance. Your mechanic can help you select the right oil for the winter season.

Stock Vehicle with Emergency Supplies

Pack an emergency kit and carry it with you everywhere you go so you’ll be prepared for any eventuality on the road.   

Last, but not least, update your auto insurance with Thompson Insurance Services to ensure you have protection on the road. For more information on coverage options and costs, contact Thompson Insurance Services in Highland Village, TX.    

The Importance of Getting Insurance On Both of Your Cars Through the Same Insurance Provider

When you go to buy auto insurance in Dallas, TX, you will, of course, want to shop around for the best coverage you can get at the lowest rate. You will also want to speak with various insurance carriers about the discounts and benefits they provide if you choose to insure more than one vehicle through them at the same time. Here at Thompson Insurance Services, we do all we can to make shopping for auto insurance as easy as possible. We would like to share with you the benefits you may be able to obtain by getting insurance on both of your cars through the same insurance provider. 

You can Possibly get a Discount

Many insurance providers will provide you with some type of multi-car discount if you insure one or more vehicles with them at the same time. Sometimes, this discount can be as much as 10 to 15 percent. The exact amount of the discount will be determined by the carrier you choose to get insurance through. 

You can Afford Better Coverage

When you get a discount for insuring more than one vehicle through the same company, this then gives you the ability to afford more coverage at a lower price than what you would pay if you insured only one vehicle. Say you wanted full coverage on two vehicles, but separately the policies were too expensive. When you bundle them under the same carrier, you may receive a 15% discount, which then makes it possible for you to keep full coverage on them. 

To learn more about the importance of getting insurance on both of your cars through the same insurance provider, please contact Thompson Insurance Services serving the Dallas, TX area.

Does Auto Insurance Cover an Accident If Your Friend Was Driving?

It may seem like a completely normal thing for your friend to borrow your car if they’re in a jam. But a seemingly simple request can become far more complicated if they’re involved in an accident when they’re driving. Thompson Insurance Services wants you to know a few more facts about this exact scenario for the next time someone asks you for a favor.

Insurance from the Surface

If you named your friend on your auto insurance policy specifically, then they are entitled to all the benefits you enjoy. They can use your car whenever they want, and they’re covered in the event of a collision. In this scenario, the insurance company will have to run your friend’s driving records to put them on the policy, which may or may not increase the cost of your rates. If the designated second driver on the policy has an accident, the policyholder may also be subjected to higher insurance rates. However, if you haven’t named your friend on your policy, then the answer is more complicated. 

How Coverage Works 

It’s the owner of the car that’s typically held responsible for the accident, so everyone in Dallas, TX should be careful about who they let use their vehicle. If your friend is insured by a different insurance company, then that company may or may not take partial or full responsibility for the damages. Unless there is a special clause regarding this exact scenario, insurance companies will typically work it out on a case-by-case basis. 

If you have any additional questions about how auto insurance works on an everyday level, give Thompson Insurance Services a call. We’re here to make it easier for residents of Dallas, TX to get the right coverage!