Is It Time to Upgrade My Auto Insurance?

Ask most car owners when the last time they updated their car insurance, and they will stare at you with surprise. Many motorists rarely upgrade their car insurance. All they do is renew their policies without scrutinizing whether their current needs are captured. If you are such a car owner, please listen to Thompson Insurance Services of Highland Village, TX, as they share reasons that may necessitate you to upgrade your auto insurance policy. 

When you change the use of your car

Are you using your vehicle to run business errands? It would help if you upgraded to commercial auto insurance. Texas requires businesses to purchase commercial auto insurance for all business vehicles. As such, if you use your personal car to run business operations, you need to upgrade to commercial auto insurance to protect your vehicle and driver when accidents occur.


When you are letting go of your current car 

There are numerous reasons you would want to part with your current car. Perhaps, you are looking to upgrade, downgrade or your lease has expired, and you need to figure out what to do next. Whatever the reason, you need to update your auto insurance to ensure that your current needs are taken care of. 

If you upgrade to a newer, more expensive car, you need to update your auto insurance, especially if financed by a bank. While you may transfer your old auto insurance to your new car, you may need to upgrade to include more coverage. 

When you let a teenager drive your car

When you decide that your teenage son or daughter should drive your car, you need to add them to your auto insurance policy. Since teenagers are considered risky drivers, you need to inform your insurer to adjust your premiums accordingly.

Are you still not sure whether to upgrade your car insurance in Highland Village, TX? Please contact Thompson Insurance Services for guidance.